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Another Perspective

That Burning Sensation

After last Tuesday’s dose of Chlorambucil, I had an intense burning sensation fill me. It felt like I had a fever: violent chills, shaking and a headache. I was miserable for about 4 hours until these symptoms went away.

This was a nasty enough experience that doing it again in two weeks left me  Read More 
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A Week to Recover

When I went for my latest dosage of Chlorambucil, I was told I’d had a mixed response to the first two dosages. My white blood cell count has dropped impressively but my lymph nodes have not reduced in size. Consequently the doctor decided to increase the dosage. I took 31 pills last week instead  Read More 
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Better Living through Chemistry

I want to begin by thanking my readers for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They are very much appreciated. Thank you.

The computer for the clinical trial study for Ibrutinib randomly assigned me to the older drug, Chlorambucil. While disappointing this drug, that was approved by the FDA for the treatment of  Read More 
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Decision Day

As I write this blog, I am waiting for a telephone call that will tell me if I have been accepted into a trial clinical study for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). If I have been, the likely outcome, then I will be told which of two drugs, one old and one new, the study  Read More 
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Barbecue Grill: An Update

I went to the oral surgeon on Monday to have my tongue biopsied for possible cancer. The procedure involves a scraping of the tongue with a wire brush - just like I clean my barbecue grill.

Good news: when the surgeon examined my tongue and mouth, he found no signs of cancer or of  Read More 
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Barbecue Grill

I am sorry I haven't written in quite a while. I have closed my psychotherapy office in Sacramento and retired; sold two homes and almost broke even; purchased and upgraded a new home in San Diego and packed up and moved from Northern California to Southern California.

On top of all of this, my  Read More 
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A Man's Mid-Life Crisis: Death of the Hero/Birth of the Soul

In the news recently have been stories of famous men who at midlife have been caught having an affair. Nothing new, really, but why does it keep happening? I have some thoughts I want to share with you.

A colleague of mine, Dr. John A. Robinson, wrote a book with the title Death  Read More 
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The Hymn of the Pearl

The following story is a powerful myth. It speaks to our individuation process. Here is The Hymn of the  Read More 
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A Working Definition of God

A reporter from Good Housekeeping Magazine interviewed C. G. Jung just days before he died.* One of the questions the interviewer asked Dr. Jung regarded his thinking about God. Dr. Jung responded: “To this day God is the name by which I designate all things which cross my willful path violently and  Read More 
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Introverted Humor

I am an introvert and am proud of it. I like being introverted. Professionally, I am a “navel gazer” as my extraverted friends like to call psychological introspection. I’m okay with that. Someone has to do it.

One of the things I do as an introvert is laugh at myself when I am  Read More 
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